val addr : obj

Full name: index.addr
val news : obj

Full name:
val news : obj
val getHome : name:'a -> 'b

Full name: index.getHome
val name : 'a

Monads are not what they seem

Tomas Petricek, The Alan Turing Institute | | @tomaspetricek

Monad metaphors

How monads are taught


Formal category theory definition

A monad is a functor \({\color{mc} M} : C \rightarrow C\) together with mappings:

  • \(\eta_\alpha : \alpha \rightarrow {\color{mc} M}\alpha\)
  • \((-)^*\) turns an arrow \(f : \alpha \rightarrow {\color{mc} M}\beta\)
    into an arrow \(f^* : {\color{mc} M}\alpha \rightarrow {\color{mc} M}\beta\)

The mappings are required to satisfy the three monad laws:

  • \(\eta_\alpha^* = id_{M\alpha}\)
  • \(f^* \circ \eta_\alpha = f\)
  • \(f^* \circ g^* = (f^* \circ g)^*\)

Monads as generic types

The structure \({\color{mc}M} \alpha\) represents a data type

  • A collection of things - List int or List string
  • A computation - Lazy int or Lazy float
  • You can nest them too - Lazy (List int)

Formally: Monads as symbol manipulation

Data type M a satisfying monad laws with operations:

  • return of type a -> M a
  • >>= of type (a -> M b) -> (M a -> M b)

Containers: Monads as boxes

return wraps thing in a box

>>= applies operation on all things in a box

Containers: Monads as burritos

Sequencing: Monads as computations

Plumbing for composing computations with side-effects

Sequencing: Monads as computations

Plumbing for composing computations with side-effects

Sequencing: Monads as computations

Plumbing for composing computations with side-effects

Sequencing: Monads as computations

Plumbing for composing computations with side-effects

Metaphors for understanding monads

Neuroscientist's perspective on mathematical thinking

  • Movement formal symbol manipulation
  • Inside vs. outside for containers and boxes
  • Movement for composing comptuations

Monads in practice

How and why people use monads

Syntax for side-effectful comptuations

let addr = findAddress "Tomas"
let news = findNews (getCity addr)
return getTop10 news

What if findAddress and findNews can fail?

let addr = tryFindAddress "Tomas"
if addr = null then return null
  let news = tryFindNews (getCity addr)
  if news = null then return null
    return Success (getTop10 news)

Syntax for side-effectful comptuations

let addr = findAddress "Tomas"
let news = findNews (getCity addr)
return getTop10 news

Monadic notation to remove nesting & repetition:

maybe {
  let! addr = tryFindAddress "Tomas"
  let! news = tryFindNews (getCity addr)
  return getTop10 news 

Reasoning about monadic code

Get address and compose message with city:

maybe {
  let! addr = findAddress "Tomas"
  return "Tomas lives in " + (getCity addr) }

Does extracting getHome function change meaning?

let getHome name = maybe {
  let! addr = findAddress mame
  return name + " lives in " + getCity addr }
maybe {
  let! msg = getHome "Tomas"
  return msg }

Code reuse using monad abstraction

Write useful functions that work for any monad

  • Transform the thing inside the monad
    mapM : (a -> b) -> (M a -> M b)

  • Sum list and aggregate side-effects
    sumM : List (M int) -> M int

Misuses of monads

When monads are not the right thing

Monad can be the uninteresting part

The Par monad for modelling parallel computations

  • Run things in parallel
    parallel : Par a -> Par b -> Par (a * b)
  • Return the first of two results
    choose : Par a -> Par a -> Par a

Also supports monadic return : a -> Par a
and >>= : (a -> Par b) -> (Par a -> Par b)

Monad as tempting harmful abstraction

Parser a reads input string and produces value a

  • Parse one thing and then another thing
    Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a * b)

  • Try parsing in two ways, use the first success
    Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a

Parsers can be extended to support monadic >>= and return.

Monad as tempting harmful abstraction

The normal disadvantages of conventional [monadic] parsers,
such as their lack of speed and their poor error reporting are remedied.

The techniques [do not] extend to monad-based parsers. [T]he monadic formulation [causes] the evaluation of the parser construction over and over (...).

Deterministic, Error-Correcting Combinator Parsers,
Swierstra & Duponcheel (1996)

Monadic syntax without 'true' monads

Notation originally intended just for monads

Can be used for things that are not monadic

H.html {
  H.head {
    H.title "Sample web page"
  H.body {
    H.h1 "Sample web page"
    H.p "This is a sample page..."

Do we need syntactic flexibility instead of monads?

Philosophy of monads

What monads really are

Concept stretching and changing meaning

Then came the refutationists. In their critical zeal they stretched the concept of polyhedron, to cover objects that were alien to the intended interpretation.

Proofs and refutations,
Lakatos (1979)

Concept stretching and changing meaning

  1. Monads are logic for reasoning about effects
  2. Language abstraction for encoding effects
  3. Abstraction and notation for effects
  4. Abstraction and notation (not just) for effects

Monads rooted in research paradigm

One of the goals of the Algol research programme was to utilize the resources of logic to increase the confidence (...) in the correctness of a program.

Science of Operations,
Priestley (2011)

Monads and research paradigms

This paper is about logics for reasoning about programs,
in particular for proving equivalence of programs.

Notions of computations and monads,
Moggi (1991)

Monads and research paradigms

Reasoning about programs often appears in papers

In practice monads are just programming tool

The cost of abstraction is rarely debated

Gentlemen do not talk about syntax

Monads in theory and practice

Before thinking about the philosophy of experiments we should record a certain class or caste difference between the theorizer and the experimenter. It has little to do with philosophy. We find prejudices in favour of theory, as far back as there is institutionalized science.

Representing and intervening,
Hacking (1983)

Anything including monads goes

Galileo replaces one natural interpretation by a very different and as yet at least partly unnatural interpretation. (...) Galileo uses propaganda; he uses psychological tricks, in addition to whatever intellectual reasons he has to offer.

Against method,
Feyerabend (1975)

Anything including monads goes

Community finds monads an attractive topic

They are unnatural until you get them

Popularity means not all uses are justified


Monads are not what they seem

Monads are not what they seem

Metaphors guide our understanding

Concepts often change their meaning

Paradigms and propaganda matter

Applies to other concepts. Bigger picture? | | @tomaspetricek

Backup notes

The Par monad is a joinad, which captures the more interesting aspects

Also write about dataflow (is it monad or a comonad?)

Monads were supposed to be used for reasoning about effects, but instead they are used to introduce effects. Where does the "reasoning" meme come from? How much it is actually done in practice? (Algol?)