Salon des Refusés
Dialectics for new computer science

Tomas Petricek | @tomaspetricek

Salon des Refusés

Salon des Refusés (“exhibition of rejects”) was an 1863
exhibition of artworks rejected from the official Paris Salon.

With hindsight those excluded from the Salon on the grounds of incompetence included significant number of now highly esteemed painters.

A high proportion of the three thousand rejected works must have been unsuccessful attempts to produce normally academic pictures. Painters took the risk that their work would be seen as incompetent rather than modern.

Incompetent or modern?

Publish attributed critical reviews!

  • Alternative position
  • Additional context
  • Summary of discussion

Modernism in art and programming

The classical arts of the Greeks and Romans constituted the foundations and furnished the constant standards by which any relevant achievement was to be measured.

While no Greek paintings survived as such, its supposed achievements were extrapolated (...)

The would-be modern artist must then look elsewhere than the authorised classical tradition - into other reaches of the culture or into other cultures altogether.

Classical and other sources

Programming language research as
mathematics, science and engineering

Alternative cultures to learn from?

  • Metaphors, myths and analogies
  • Thought experiments
  • Jokes and science fiction

Modernism in art and programming

One of the signs of a modernist art will be skepticism about any fixed relationship between a picture and its subject.
A form of self-consciousness about how the picturing is done.

Modernism in programming research

Self-consciousness about how research is done!

What can we ask? What can we think?

  • Foucault's episteme
  • Kuhnian paradigms
  • Lakatos' research programmes

Salon des Refusés

09:15 Programming is Writing is Programming
10:00 Code is not just text - current code editors are inadequate tools

11:00 Principles of Antifragile Software
11:30 A Certain Tendency Of The Database Community

13:30 The Act of Computer Programming in Science
14:15 From Software Creationism to Software Evolutionism

15:30 What Can Software Learn From Hypermedia?
16:15 Tracing a Paradigm for Externalization: Avatars and the GPII Nexus