Salon des Refusés
Dialectics for new computer science

Tomas Petricek | @tomaspetricek

Salon des Refusés

Salon des Refusés (“exhibition of rejects”) was an 1863
exhibition of artworks rejected from the official Paris Salon.

With hindsight those excluded from the Salon on the grounds of incompetence included significant number of now highly esteemed painters.

A high proportion of the three thousand rejected works must have been unsuccessful attempts to produce normally academic pictures. Painters took the risk that their work would be seen as incompetent rather than modern.

Incompetent or modern?

Academic peer review

Naively, peer review ensures that

  • Your measurements are solid
  • Your proof is right
  • Your methodology is sound
  • Your work is in context

Should we have a check-list?

Those are all important, but...

They are partly after-thoughts

There are things we say implicitly

Personal knowledge

All knowing, no matter how formalised, relies upon commitments. Scientific method cannot yield truth mechanically.

How to acknowledge personal
knowledge and allude to it?

Publish attributed literary critiques!

Format of critiques

  • Present alternative position
  • Provide additional context
  • Develop idea in a new direction
  • Summary of discussion

Where can we learn?

Classical sources of ideas

Programming language research as
mathematics, science and engineering

Alternative cultures to learn from

  • Metaphors, myths and analogies
  • Thought experiments
  • Literature, performance and other art
  • Jokes and science fiction

Modernism in programming research

Self-consciousness about how research is done!

What can we ask? What can we think?

  • Foucault's episteme
  • Kuhnian paradigms
  • Lakatos' research programmes

Salon des Refusés

09:20 - 10:30 Files as Directories: Some Thoughts
on Accessing Structured Data Within Files

11:00 - 11:50 Lector in Codigo or the role of the reader

11:50 - 12:30 PANEL DISCUSSION
What next for Salon des Refusés

14:30 - 15:00 An anatomy of interaction:
Co-occurrences and entanglements

15:20 - 16:00 PANEL DISCUSSION
Evaluating novel programming research ideas

16:30 - 17:20 Semprola: A semiotic programming language