Wrattler: Interactive, smart
and polyglot notebooks

Tomas Petricek, The Alan Turing Institute

http://tomasp.net | tomas@tomasp.net | @tomaspetricek


W Wrangle
R Reproduce
A Analyse
T Transform
T Troubleshoot
L Learn
E Explore
R Revise

What makes data science hard?

Big data is big
Hard-to-find special cases

The Double Anna Karenina principle
Every data set is different

Feedback loops everywhere
Can't say what works until we've done it

Death by a thousand cuts
Many tasks are repetitive

Data science

What tools do we need?

Interactive – give quick feedback

Reproducible – be able to go back

Polyglot – mix tools that work

Smart – get help from the AI

Explainable – no black boxes


Analysing broadband speed in Wrattler

Traditional notebook architecture

1 Limited reproducibility
2 No rollback of state
3 Limited interaction model
4 One language per kernel

Wrattler system architecture

Wrattler system architecture

1 Versioning and provenance
2 Interactive development
3 Platform for AI assistants
4 Polyglot programming


Noteboks that are 1 interactive 2 smart and 3 polyglot

1 Interactive

Tighter interaction feedback loop

Browser-based language

Recalculated on-the-fly

Using dependency graph


Interactive – Exploring data in the browser

2 Smart

Simplifying process with AI assistants

Full access to data store

Domain specific languages

No black box magic


Smart – Cleaning data with the datadiff assistant

3 Polyglot

Enabling platform for data science

Share data via data frames

Computation graph for provenance

Semantic annotations


Polyglot – Sharing data between R and JavaScript


Interactive, smart and polyglot notebooks


Three key ideas behind the system

Separate state and language runtimes

Dependency graph in the browser

Platform for AI assisted data science

Project status

Wrattler prototype: github.com/wrattler

Done – Prototype with dependency graph running
R, JavaScript languages and datadiff assistant

Progress – Deployment as part of JupyterLab
Data store annotations and graph versioning

Visionary – Integration of further AI assistants
Provenance tracking, modes of interaction

Questions, answers & discussion

Data store – Best data and annotation formats?

Integration – Languages? Jupyter integration?

AI assistants – What kinds of assistants?

http://tomasp.net | tomas@tomasp.net | @tomaspetricek

To wrap up, I'll end with a slide that lists the three next papers that I plan to write. The first one is about implementing live programming environments, which is surprisingly tricky and the second one is extending the data aggregation work to cover data cleaning with AI assistants. Finally, I talked about one of the things that I'm interested in, but I also work on philosophy and history of programming and I got invited to submit a paper to an ACM HOPL conference, so that's my third. I have ideas about coeffects too, but I only wanted to list three.