Tomas Petricek
University of Kent | @tomaspetricek
Open data analyses published by journalists
SpreadsheetsEasy to use Simple problems Not reproducible |
ProgrammingExpert skills Internet-scale Reproducible |
Work with concrete, not abstract
Record interactions to enable learning
Make simple things easy
Choosing over constructing
Comparing CO2 emissions of China and US
Ways of slicing data cubes
Ways of slicing data cubes
Select a year
Plane with indicators for countries
Ways of slicing data cubes
Select a year
Select indicator
Line with value for each country
Ways of slicing data cubes
Select a year
Select indicator
Select country
Data point
Aggregating table of Olympic medal winners
Wrapper over an SQL-like query language
Offer meaningful options in a given context
Joins are an interesting open problem
Querying the
Dr Who graph database
Querying graph databases
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: |
All is done by choosing from a list
Does this make programming easier?
Very different query languages underneath
Does knowledge of one transfer to another?
Interaction with the system matters
Programming as interacting with data
Direct manipulation for program construction
How to publish ideas on interaction?
(Live 2019)
Type providers to hide fancy types
Reinventing scope with 'then'
I also need some lambdas sometimes!
Generating builder patterns
Write everything as a single linear chain
Except that 'then' is reinventing parenthesis
But it is second class construct...
Type providers for member generation
Laziness for scaling to large hierarchies
Fancy types for the masses!
\[\definecolor{cc}{RGB}{204,82,34} \definecolor{mc}{RGB}{0,0,153} \frac {\Gamma \vdash e : {\color{cc}[f_1:\tau_1, \ldots, f_n:\tau_n]}} {\Gamma \vdash e.\text{drop}~f_i : {\color{cc} [f_1:\tau_1, \ldots, f_{i-1}:\tau_{i-1}, f_{i+1}:\tau_{i+1}, \ldots, f_n:\tau_n]}}\]
\[\frac {\Gamma \vdash e : {\color{mc} C_1}} {\Gamma \vdash e.\text{drop}~f_i : {\color{mc} C_2}} \quad{\small \text{where}}\]
\[\begin{array}{l} \\[-0.5em] {fields({\color{mc} C_1}) = {\color{mc} \{f_1:\tau_1, \ldots, f_n:\tau_n\}}}\\ {fields({\color{mc} C_2}) = {\color{mc} \{f_1:\tau_1, \ldots, f_{i-1}:\tau_{i-1}, f_{i+1}:\tau_{i+1}, \ldots, f_n:\tau_n\}}} \end{array}\]
Row types and phantom types
Session types for communication
Add your own fancy type here!
Context \(L\) maps names to
definitions and nested contexts
\(L(C) = {\color{mc}\text{type}}~C(x:\tau) = \overline{m}, L'\)
Pivot provider takes schema and
provides a class with context
\(\text{pivot}(F) = C, L\)
Tomas Petricek,