Wrattler: Interactive, smart
and polyglot notebooks

Tomas Petricek, The Alan Turing Institute

http://tomasp.net | tomas@tomasp.net | @tomaspetricek

What makes data science hard?

Big data is big
Hard-to-find special cases

The Double Anna Karenina principle
Every data set is different

Feedback loops everywhere
Can't say what works until we've done it

Death by a thousand cuts
Many tasks are repetitive

Data science

What tools do we need?

Interactive – give quick feedback

Reproducible – be able to go back

Polyglot – mix tools that work

Smart – get help from the AI

Explainable – no black boxes

DEMO: Wrattler in BinderHub

Traditional notebook architecture

1 Limited reproducibility
2 No rollback of state
3 Limited interaction model
4 One language per kernel

Wrattler system architecture

Wrattler system architecture

1 Versioning and provenance
2 Interactive development
3 Platform for AI assistants
4 Polyglot programming

Recent developments

New in Wrattler over the last 6 months

  • Integration with community-driven JupyterLab
  • Deployment via BinderHub, both locally and in the cloud
  • Integration with AI assistants for data wrangling
  • Easy access to dependency graph from notebooks
  • Performance and UX improvements
  • Experimental languages for dataviz
  • Work-in-progress homepage and documentation

DEMO: JupyterLab & Binder deployment

Integrating with standard community-driven environment

JupyterLab and Binder deployment

  • Joining the largest data science community
  • Try Wrattler as part of your Jupyter project
  • Support both "try now" and local deployment

DEMO: Analysis of scenic places

Hosting and showcasing Turing research

DEMO: AI assistants

Simplifying data wrangling with AI assistants

AI assistants

  • Semi-automatic data wrangling tools
  • Developed as part of the AIDA project
  • Simple framework for writing new assistants

DEMO: Transparent data visualizations

  • Creating charts with linking & brushing
  • From provenance to explaining computations
  • Wrattler is great for hosting PL research!


Platform for Turing data science research


Platform for Turing data science research

New languages and tools for data science

Scenic places and other case studies

AI assistants for data science

Where next & questions and answers

Data store – Best data and annotation formats?

Integration – Languages? Jupyter integration?

AI assistants – What kinds of assistants?

http://tomasp.net | tomas@tomasp.net | @tomaspetricek