type 'T list = List<'T>

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.list<_>
type bool = System.Boolean

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.bool
Multiple items
val string : value:'T -> string

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.string

type string = System.String

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string
type 'T option = Option<'T>

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.option<_>

Incremental, Runtime and Extensible: Type Checker
for a Funny Language

Tomas Petricek

University of Kent and fsharpWorks
tomas@tomasp.net | @tomaspetricek

The Gamma

Simple language for data exploration

Data journalism

Making facts great again!

Building more open, transparent and engaging data visualization

The Gamma

Programming tools for data journalists

Can it be written by a non-expert?

Can the result be reproduced?

Can the reader check the logic?

Can the reader explore variations?


Exploring Olympic medals

Data exploration calculus

Capturing the essence of The Gamma

\[\begin{array}{rlcl} \textit{(programs)}\quad& p &::=& c_1; \ldots; c_n\\ \textit{(commands)}\quad& c &::=& \textbf{let}~x = t ~|~ t\\ \textit{(expressions)}\quad& e &::=& t ~|~ \lambda x\rightarrow e\\ \textit{(terms)}\quad& t &::=& o ~|~ x ~|~ t.m(e, \ldots, e)\\ \end{array}\]

What makes the language funny?

  • Program is a list of declarations or values
  • Lambdas allowed only as method arguments
  • No abstraction mechanism (yet)


Incremental evaluation and type checking


Image manipulation without tricks

Incremental type checking

Two-phase process

  • Inspired by Roslyn & TypeScript
  • Update a dependency graph
  • Type-check graph, not expressions

Graph construction

  • Build graph for dependencies
  • Variables used, arguments, etc.
  • Reuse nodes if dependencies unchanged
  • Attach value and type to graph nodes


Incremental type checking & evaluation


Image manipulation in The Gamma

Fancy types

Generics, dependent types & type providers


COVID-19 cases in London

Fancy types

For accessing libraries and online data

Type providers generate types from data

Extensible to allow new kinds of types

Dependent types can depend on values

Generics for importing JS libraries

Object and method types

Interface with object members & type equality

type ObjectType =
  abstract Members : Member list
  abstract TypeEquals : ObjectType -> bool

Computes type from types & values of arguments

type MethodArgument =
  { Name: string; Static: bool; Type: Type }
type MethodType =
  { Arguments: MethodArgument list
    TypeFunc: ((Type * Value option) list -> Type option }

Implementing fancy types

Generics / polymorphism
New ObjectType implementation
Generic methods do resolution

Type providers
Methods inspect data source
Generate simple object types

"Dependent" types
Method argument marked as static
Type function gets value from the system


Lessons from the project


The Gamma is intentionally very primitive!

What makes things work?

Incremental type checking

  • Tractable dependencies
  • Also fine in TypeScript and C#
  • Much harder to do for F#

Fancy extensible types

  • All logic in method types
  • Abstract type equality testing
  • No generalization on 'let'
  • Integrated evaluation and type checking

Funny languages are fun
What is the use case?
What assumptions still hold?

Live and extensible
Compilers must support editors
Language design based on uses?

Papers with more info
Foundations of a live data exploration environment Data exploration through dot-driven development

Tomas Petricek, U. of Kent & fsharpWorks
tomas@tomasp.net | @tomaspetricek