AI assistants: A framework for semi-automated, accountable, and tooling-rich data wrangling

Tomas Petricek
with Gerrit J.J. van den Burg, Alfredo Nazabal, Taha Ceritli, Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz, Christopher K. I. Williams

University of Kent & The Alan Turing Institute | @tomaspetricek


AI tools for data wrangling

Data wrangling

Getting data into usable form

  • Merge data from multiple sources
  • Fix errors and missing data
  • Add semantic information

Sure you want to be a data scientist?

  • Takes 80% of data science project
  • Tedious iterative manual process

Can automatic AI tools help with this?


Merging real-world CSV files with datadiff

What do we want

Semi-automatic data wrangling tools that are

Interactive - Let analyst guide and correct things

Unified - Share common structure

Accountable - Not just opaquely transform data

Tooling-rich - Integrate with notebook tools


A glimpse of the future

Wrattler project

Research extension for JupyterLab

Mix languages, build interactive tools, analyse code provenance


Wrattler and outlier detection

How AI assistants work

  1. Start with no constraints
  2. Guess a cleaning script
  3. Run it to show preview
  4. Offer constraints to add
  5. Continue from 1


Formalizing AI assistants

Formal model

AI assistant works with

  • \(e\) – expressions representing cleaning scripts
  • \(\mathcal{D}\) – assistant-specific data representation
  • \(H\) – traces of human interactions

AI assistant is defined by

  • \(f(e, \mathcal{D})=\mathcal{D}'\) – evaluation function
  • \(\mathit{best}_{\mathcal{D}}(H)=e\) – recommends best expression
  • \(\mathit{choices}_{\mathcal{D}}(H)=(H_1, \ldots, H_n)\) – offers constraints
  • \(H_0\) – empty human interaction trace

Tooling support

Interacting with an AI assistant in Wrattler

Machine learning model

Over in the machine learning world

  • \(Q_H(\mathcal{D}, e)\) – objective (scoring) function
  • \(E_H\) – set of expressions allowed under \(H\)

Optimization-based AI assistants
Solve problem of finding best allowed expression

\(\mathit{best}_{\mathcal{D}}(H) = \mathit{arg~max}_{e\in E_H}~Q_H(\mathcal{D}, e)\)

Formal model

Why AI assistants need a formal model

Capture what an AI assistant really is

Formally define the interface

Explain how tools can use AI assistants

Lets us easily capture many examples


Some useful AI assistants


Datadiff AI assistant

Datadiff AI assistant

Patches and constraints

  • Patches – recode, permute, insert, delete, linear
  • Constraints – nomatch, notransform, match

Optimization-based datadiff assistant

  • \(H_0\) – empty set of constraints
  • \(e\) – list of patches to apply
  • \(E_H\) – expressions allowed under conditions \(H\)

Outlier detection AI assistant

Different kind of interactivity

  • Human builds expression by choosing
  • Choices suggests possible filters to add
  • Best simply returns the selected filters

Still fits with the formal model!

  • \(\mathit{best}_{\mathcal{D}}(H)=H\) – trace is an expression
  • \(\mathit{choices}_{\mathcal{D}}(H)=(H\cup \{f_1\}, \ldots, H\cup\{ f_n \})\)
  • Filters \(f_1, \ldots, f_n\) generated by clever AI


What can we do with this


What can we do with AI assistants

Many existing tools fit this model!

Can be extended for Bayesian framework

Qualitative evaluation using case studies

Count necessary human interactions

Quantitative evaluation

Can wrangle more data with a few hints!

  • But any evaluation is tricky
  • About specific tools, not the framework
  • Needs ad-hoc data set for each assistant


Framework of AI assistants

AI assistants: A framework for semi-automated, accountable, and tooling-rich data wrangling

  • Programming theory meets machine learning!
  • Capture important class of ML tools!
  • But where & how should we publish this??

Tomas Petricek, University of Kent | @tomaspetricek