as architecture, urban planning and design?

Tomas Petricek, University of Kent | @tomaspetricek


This talk should not be taken too seriously!

What is this about?
Programs, languages or programming?

Anything goes?
Inconsistencies maybe, pluralism certainly

What my boss thinks I do?

Programming language theory, data science applications

What I think I actually do?

Programming systems, cultures of programming, philosophy

What you will think I do?

Architecture, urban planning and design

You should read and cite my papers but this talk won't help :-)

Focus of the talk

Complex problems & systems

  • Solving complex problems
  • Using interactive systems
  • Tackling essential complexity?

Essential complexity (Brooks) E-programs (Lehman, 1980)

Alternative paradigms

  • Programming as mathematics?
  • Programming as engineering discipline?
  • Programming as something else?

What about our way of working is historical accident?

Alternative paradigms, Chang's complementary science

Design and urban planning

Does this even make sense?

Designerly Ways of Knowing

Study natural world using
experiment aiming for truth

Study human experience using
metaphor aiming for justice

Study the artificial using
synthesis aiming for appropriateness

Urban planning

Jacobs on cities

Problems of simplicity
Fully analyzable

Unorganized complexity
Statistically analyzable

Organized complexity

Parnas on software

Analogy systems Continuous models

Repetitive digital
Reduce via abstraction

Non-repetitive digital Non-reducible


Conceptual coherence

Conceptual coherence

Any product that is sufficiently big (...) must be conceptually coherent to the single mind of the user and at the same time desinged by many minds.

Brooks (1995)

Two kinds of cities

The fact that the layout of the city (...)
lacks a consistent geometric logic does
not mean that it was at all confusing
to its inhabitants. Scott (1998)

Understanding cities

Legibility of a cityscape

  • Old city privileges local knowledge
  • Illegibility provides political safety
  • Grid makes public services easy

Legibility of a software

  • Hackers use local knowledge, engineers outside knowledge?
  • How open-source communities work?
  • Grid in spreadsheets for addressing?

Understanding cities

I know areas around a couple of the stops and some links

There is a way of learning new parts
if I need that

Image of a city

City as perceived by inhabitants

  • Districts, landmarks, pathways
  • Easily identifiable and groupable
  • Subway & bike give different images

Can we build software like this?

  • Messy but navigable?
  • Shareable local knowledge?
  • Inhabitable programming systems?

Reference to Richard Gabriel & Christopher Alexander?

Did we lose something along the way?

Interlisp and Smalltalk appear more inhabitable and navigable

Complementary science

Recover and update interesting past ideas!


Is there a place for elegant theories?

Programming as maths

Good research strategy

  • Defines Kuhnian normal science
  • Algorithm as a central concept
  • Established it academically

Historical accident?

  • Just one programming culture
  • Focuses on mathematical questions
  • Misses more important ones?

Utopian urban planning

Modernism, radiant city and garden city plans

Housing blocks in green or rural spaces

Clear organization of functions of the city

Jane Jacobs

Life and Death of Great
American Cities (1961)

  • East Village & Boston North End
  • Demolition and redevelopment?
  • Lively city streets that work

How theory does not work

  • Informal social control
  • Enabled by mixed function
  • Density and diversity

Utopian Software

Rigorous software methods

  • Non-reducibility of problems
  • Are simple principles too simple?
  • Abstraction & information hiding?

How to study such questions?

  • Describe concrete cases
    that work despite theory
  • Focus on unaverage indicators


Design, architecture, urban planning

What did not fit

Vernacular architecture

  • Architecture without architects
  • Developed by gradual adaptation
  • Longer time-frame in software?

Designing for maintenance

  • Teaching maintenance habits
  • Materials that look bad before going bad


As architecture, urban planning and design?

At least as good metaphor as
engineering and mathematics!

Incommensurable paradigm
asking different questions?

Tomas Petricek, University of Kent | @tomaspetricek