PROGRAMme (leading auhtors: Troy Astarte, Maarten Bullynck, Felice Cardone, Martin Carlé, Liesbeth De Mol, Marie-José Durand-Richard,
Tomas Petricek, Mark Priestley, Henri Salha)
Perlman's button box
Programmable or not?
1) Buttons control turtle 2) "Memory box" buttons 3) Kid interface for LOGO
Negotiation of meaning
High programmability
19th century English algebraists
20th century mathematical logic
Meaning in blind computation
Reverse Polish notation
3 2 + 5 4 2 * + *
[C]ontemplate the prospect of locking twenty people for two years during which they would be steadily performing computations. And you must give them such explicit instructions at the time of incarceration that at the end of two years you could return and obtain the correct result for your lengthy problem! (John von Neumann)
Interpretive subroutines
Opening of Pandora's box
Many notations solving:
1) Problem of control
2) User problem
3) Effectiveness problem
Like surrealist "exquisite corpse" drawings!
1) Automatic programming
2) Universal language
3) Self-programmability
4) Concrete notations
1) Automatic programming
High-level notations...
Could there be just one?
2) Universal language
One language is not enough
Could it be adaptable?
3) Self-programmability
System as meta-medium
Uses direct representation
4) Concrete notations
Focus on directness
No need for generality...
No-code programming
Automatic programming, revisited
If we want meaningful programming
We get notational pluralism
Ideally with high notational programmability