Document-oriented programming based on edit history

Tomas Petricek, Charles University, Prague | @tomaspetricek

What I want?

A programming system that is

  • Accessible and simple on first encounter
  • But allows power-users to modify the system
  • Can be used in local-first collaborative ways
  • Open and can explain its working

Two ideas

Transparent document format

  • Document with code and data
  • Smalltalk image easier to navigate
  • Also contain evaluation trace!

Program as a sequence of edits

  • Can be replayed to get the document
  • Makes merging documents easier
  • Record and/or analyse past edits?


Add speaker & refactor list

Sample edits

Shared baseline with multiple sequences of edits added

Typical local-first workflow, with independent edits

Two ways
of merging

Do they result in equivalent documents?

Can we have a conflict that imposes order?


Code as document elements

  • Store formulas as trees (AST) in document
  • Render in a (somewhat) nicer way
  • Evaluation adds edits to the log!
  • Beware interactions with edit merging

Code is data

Absolute selectors only for now

A selector
is a sequence of:

  • Field name
  • Index specifier
  • All selector


Budget calculation & refactor list

Merging of formulas

Edit after formula add

  • Formula exists in the document
  • Structure edit edits structure
    and all references in the doc

Formula add after edit

  • Selectors in newly added edits
    reconciled with all new non-baseline edits
  • Edit adds correct formula!


How it interacts with editing

  • Evaluation adds edits that replace nodes!
  • Same mechanism to reconcile edits as before
  • But conflicting edit removes evaluated edit!
  • Sometimes, they could adapt though...


Adding a speaker and evaluation


Possible future directions

Future directions

  • Formally show edits can always be merged?
    Maybe, but probably only for a very small subset
  • Projectional editing for nicer experience
    Could editors written in the document itself?
  • Rethinking abstraction and copy & paste
    Abstract past edits, programming by demonstration
  • Add user interactions, also as edits
    How soon will this become unmaintainable?

Open positions in Prague

Postdoc and PhD funding available

Growing PL group
with more people starting soon

Email me to
learn more!


Two ideas for better programming systems!

  • Document-oriented programming
  • Programs as edit history
  • Smalltalk ideal done differently?

Tomas Petricek, Charles University, Prague | @tomaspetricek