Cultures of Programming

A Look at the History of Programming

Tomas Petricek, Charles University


Cultures of Programming

Twist the Lion's Tail

Implemented new code replacing the "Power Peg", deployed the change and enabled a flag to turn it on.

Deployment failed, running old untested code. Rollback only made it worse!

What should have been done to prevent this?

Counterfactual Speculations (1/2)

Mathematical Culture

  • "Formal Verification of Financial
    Algorithms, Progress and Prospects"
  • The bug was not in the algorithm

Engineering Culture

  • "Had [they] implemented an automated deployment system [the error] would have been avoided."
  • Cautionary tale of the DevOps movement

Counterfactual Speculations (2/2)

Managerial Culture

  • "system of risk management controls and supervisory procedures not reasonably designed" as required by the rule 15c3-5

Hacker and Humanistic Cultures

  • How can it take 45 minutes to stop it?
  • Automated trading is not in line
    with augmenting human intellect

Cultures of Programming

What is this talk about

  • Multi-disciplinary origins of programming
  • Cultures remain surprisingly stable over time
  • Interesting things happen when they meet
  • Useful fiction for understanding the history

Case Study #1

Mathematization of Programming

in the 1940s

Planning the computation and wiring cables

No idea of a programming language!

Making Programming Easier

Hacker tricks (late 1940s)

  • Pseudo-instructions
  • Translated or interpreted

Mathematical theories (late 1950s)

  • Chomsky's work on formal grammars

Managerial needs (1950s)

  • Computer installation managers
  • Need cross-machine compatibility

When technology became language

(Nofre, Priestley, 2014)

Meeting of hacker, mathematical and managerial culture!

Birth of a single unified
way of thinking?

Languages of the 1950s

Different cultures think differently

  • FORTRAN - Translator for mathematical formulas
  • COBOL - Common business-oriented language
  • ALGOL - Formal mathematical language
  • LISP - Symbolic manipulation with interactivity

Goto Considered Harmful

(Dijkstra, 1968)

Code difficult to understand

Breaks compositional reasoning

Structured Programming

A better way of organizing code

  • Coined by Dijkstra a year later in 1969
  • Intended as a good programming practice
  • Code corresponds to execution logic
  • Later generalized to structured data

Structured Programming

Chief programmer teams methodology

Adapts the idea for management purposes

Organizing code vs. Organizing people

Culture Clash

Dijkstra disapproves

American "management philosophy aiming at making companies as independent as possible of the competence of their employees"

Anti-intellectualism characterized by "How to program if you cannot."

Good code as part of engineering dignity!

Clashes & Collaborations

Proofs and social processes (1977)

  • Proofs lack social processes of mathematics!
  • A political pamphlet from the middle ages!
  • Cleanroom methodology to ensure proofs check
  • Proof assistants check proofs mechanically

Case Study #2

Interactive Programming

Batch processing

Adopted when big 1940s computers became useful

Pass your stack of cards to the operator, wait hours/days for the result...

Inefficient, but the
norm in the 1950s

MIT TX-0 "Hackers"

Built for testing, loaned to MIT RLE in 1958

Used interactively through terminal

Available in time slots 24 hours per day

Interactive Programming

Struggles in the 1960s

  • Low performance LINC computer for $43,000
  • Interactive time-sharing systems via terminals
  • "The Mother of All Demos" talk in 1968
  • Computers slowly become more affordable...

Smalltalk (1970s)

Innovative system

Graphical interface

Humanistic vision

Programming for kids
Personal dynamic medium


Xerox Star (1981)

  • Adopts the graphical display
  • Adopts "icons" and "desktop"
  • Closed end-user applications!

Commercial Smalltalk

  • Adopted in the 1990s in banks
  • Collaboration and IP protection hard
  • Inspired modern development practices

Interactive Programming Strikes Back

Microprocessors make it possible to build computers cheap enough for everyone

They do not do much!

The 1977 trinity

Three minicomputers

  • Widely accessible
  • Commodore PET, Apple, TRS-80

Hacker style of programming

  • Start in interactive BASIC
  • Copy programs from magazines
  • Write code to load & run programs
  • Actually accessible to (many) kids

Interactive Programming

Struggles in the late 1970s

  • Killer apps like dBASE and VisiCalc
  • Hacker and humanistic goals at odds
  • Gradual shift from programming to using
  • BASIC vs. "proper" engineering

Case Study #3

Software Engineering

Getting Programs to Behave

"Programming in the early 1950s
was a black art, a private arcane
matter involving a programmer, a problem, a computer, and perhaps a small library of subroutines and a primitive assembly program."

John Backus (1976)

Debugging TX-0


Search memory, modify program in numeric, later symbolic, codes

"Far from completely described even in internal memoranda"

Debugging Epoch Opens (1965)

Limiting factors for computing

  • Hardware until mid-1950s
  • Programming until mid-1960s
  • What now? Now: debugging.

Terminology in the 1960s

  • Program checkout - check it works!
  • Debugging - programs actually run
  • Testing - programs solve the problem

On-line Debugging (1966)

"With some care, it has been possible (..)
to find a bug while at a breakpoint in running a test case, call the editor to make a correction, run the program on a simpler test case to verify the correctness (...) resume execution of the original test case.."

Debugging & Testing Controversies

Niklaus Wirth (1969)

"My worry is that the facility of quick response leads to sloppy working habits"

Edsger Dijkstra (1971-3)

"Program testing can be used very
effectively to show the presence of
bugs but never to show their absence."

Testing over Time

Shifting Meaning of Testing

  • Show that programs work (before 1978)
  • Testing as a process phase (since 1970s)
  • Find errors in programs (after 1978)
  • Test as an engineering tool (since 1990s)

Debugging today?

Similar to 1960s
Learned through practice
Hacker culture only

No inter-cultural artifact?


Cultures of Programming

Cultures Shape Programming

Programming languages

  • Mathematization a good political move
  • Programming languages vs. systems

Software engineering

  • Test becomes a multi-cultural entity
  • Also types, but not debugging!

Interactive programming

  • Breaks managerial & engineering needs
  • Hard to study mathematically

Cultures of Programming

Revealing Patterns in History

  • Cultures meet and collaborate
  • Cultures clash over principles
  • Concepts shift between cultures
  • Struggle for control over programming


Cultures of Programming

  • Define basic assumptions and ways of working
  • Surprisingly stable over the 70 year history
  • Still shape teaching, hiring, safety today

Tomas Petricek, Charles University