Pop-up from Hell

On the growing opacity of software systems

Tomas Petricek, Charles University

Christopher Alexander keynote (1996)

The technical way in which you currently look at programming is almost as if you were willing to be "guns for hire."

What I am proposing [is] a view of programming as the natural genetic infrastructure of a living world (...) could
then have the result that a living structure in our towns, houses, work places, cities, becomes an attainable thing.


Along the way, we ended up creating one of the most hated tools in the advertiser’s toolkit: the
pop-up ad.

I wrote the code to launch the window and run an
ad in it. I’m sorry. Our intentions were good.

Pop-ups and the web

A longer version of the story

Technical aspects

JavaScript language

  • The Open, Cross-Platform Object Scripting Language For Enterprise Networks and the Internet

Browser scripting

  • Netscape Navigator 2.0 (1995)
  • window.open and window.onunload
  • Both available in JavaScript 1.0

Social aspects


Creative online com-munity of the 1990s

Subject of interest to internet historians (Screen by Olia Lialina)

Easy to copy and adapt fun JavaScript hacks!


Pop-up from Hell

No more fun :-(

Popup blocking commonplace in the early 2000s

Blocks popups on page load, unload and timer events, but not on click

Well, actually...

Is this the evolution
of the pop-up ad idea?

Same user experience, recreated using harder to block technique


Growing opacity of the web


Simple scripts

View source

Copy & paste

Popups work!


Complex apps

Transpiled code

Canvas + WASM

Opaque elements


Google Docs vs. Office for the web

Canvas rendering

Replace built-in editable element with custom code

Announced in May 2021

Better performance!
Accessibility issues?
May affect extensions?


Use of system inside programs

  • Program running in an operating system
  • Web page embedded in a browser
  • Smalltalk program embedded in a VM
  • Smalltalk VM embedded in a host OS

Deep vs shallow

Shallow embedding

  • Reuse system features
  • Limited user control
  • Legible to the system
  • Allows accessibility, blocking

Deep embedding

  • Redo everything from scratch
  • Lose commonality, accessibility
  • Gain control and flexibility

Why deep embedding happens?

  • Popups from hell
    Avoiding being understood by browser
  • Compilation to JavaScript
    Use "better" programming languages
  • Replacing built-in features
    Programmers think they can do better

Is deep embedding inevitable?

Good engineering reasons

  • Better developer tools
  • Performance, user experience

Restricts the user freedom!

  • Limits transparency
  • Limits unanticipated use

Reasons that may prevent it

  • "Small projects" cannot afford this!
  • Culture or policy may be against it

Atom vs Code

Editor mini-wars of the 2010s

Atom (*2014 - †2022)

Hackable editor for
the 21st century

VS Code (*2015)

Build and debug modern web & cloud applications.

Comparing Atom and Code

Technical similarities

  • Open source with a key backer
  • Electron with JavaScript++
  • Extensible via plugins

Technical differences

  • Code runs plugins in a separate process
  • Plugins limited to using an API
  • Done for good engineering reasons!


Hacking the Atom editor

Is this useful?

FsLab plugin for F# data science

Not possible in Code, until more extensibility points added.

Force for change!

Openness allows unanticipated extensibility

Popular new ideas may inspire later API change

Good engineering reasons strike again

Information hiding

Allow later adaptations
and system evolution

But how reliably
can we anticipate?

Information sharing or hiding (1/3)

The reason for the project workbook is distribution of information.

The problem is not to restrict information, but to ensure that relevant information gets to all the people who need it.

Fred Brooks (1975)

Information sharing or hiding (2/3)

We propose that one begins with a list of difficult design decision or design decisions which are likely to change.

Each module is then designed to hide such a decision from the others.

Dave Parnas (1972)

Information sharing or hiding (3/3)

I dismissed Parnas's concept as a "recipe for disaster" (...). Parnas was right, and I was wrong.

I am now convinced that information hiding is the only way of raising the level of software design.

Fred Brooks (1995)

Sharing and hiding

Has information hiding won?

  • Open source software!
  • UNIX process metadata
  • Data science notebooks
  • MIDI devices since 1980s

MIDI SysEx messages

Many old MIDI instruments continue to be musically viable [due to] its least “designed” aspect: system exclusive (SysEx) messages.

The content of SysEx messages was never standardized (...). In practice, [they] were used in a semi-conventionalized way as a means for externalizing the complete state of a musical device.


Not willing to be guns for hire?

Growing opacity of software systems

Web and deep embedding

  • Opacity via growing complexity
  • Strive to make software legible
  • Legibility to system & users

Editors and information hiding

  • Opacity via explicit restriction
  • Information hiding is overrated?
  • Allow unintended extension!


On the growing opacity of software systems

  • Where good engineering reasons lead us!
  • How to achieve 90s web qualities today?
  • How to build systems without information hiding?

Tomas Petricek, Charles University

Google Manifest v3

API for web browser extensions in Chrome

"V3 extensions enjoy enhancements in security, privacy, and performance"

Adds limitations on request blocking and number of rules

Google Privacy Sandbox

Advertising API replacing cookies

"In practice, we expect that Privacy Sandbox will harm Web privacy, and further cement Google’s control over the Web."
