The Gamma and Compost.js
Towards simple and open data visualization tools

Tomas Petricek, Charles University

Data journalism

Visualizations tell powerful stories

But EXTREMEly hard to develop

Can we make it easier?

Advancing the state of the art

  • Can be understood by the reader
  • Can be created by non-experts
  • Keep the reproducibility of code
  • Offer flexibility for experts

The Gamma

Data exploration for non-programmers

The Gamma

Language that understands data

  • Dot-driven - Recognition over recall
  • Complete & correct - Options based on data
  • User-centric - Ideas from spreadsheets
  • Extensible - Can add other data

Type providers

Map data into The Gamma system

Data cubes
Gradual slicing
of dimensions

Graph data
Path patterns
with holes


Composable charting abstractions

What is a chart?

A very long list...

Bar chart
Column chart
Line chart
Area chart
Scatter chart
Combo chart???

What is a chart?


Maybe chart is just an SVG graphics with text, shapes and pixel coordinates?

What is a chart?

D3 is a too low-level answer

x = d3.scaleLinear([0, m - 1], [0, width])
y = d3.scaleLinear([0, 1], [height, 0])
z = d3.interpolateCool
d3.area().x((d, i) => x(i)).y0(d => y(d[0])).y1(d => y(d[1]))

Google Charts is a too high-level answer

var options = {
  vAxis: {title: 'Cups'}, hAxis: {title: 'Month'},
  seriesType: 'bars', series: {5: {type: 'line'}} };
chart.draw(data, options);

What is a chart?

Also interactivity!

A chart where the reader has to make a guess before seeing the answer.


Creating charts with Compost.js

What is a chart

Fundamentals of a chart

  • Projections from domain values to pixels
  • Shapes such as areas and lines
  • Composition of multiple shapes and text
  • Interactivity state depends on user input


You Guess charts in The Gamma


Possible research directions?


Possible research directions

  • Exposing Extreme data in The Gamma?
  • Using "You Guess" in experiment modelling?
  • Quick chart prototyping with Compost.js?
  • Using LLMs to write Compost or Gamma code?

Thank you!

Tomas Petricek, Charles University


Project home pages

Relevant papers

  • Petricek, T. (2020) The Gamma: Programmatic Data Exploration for Non-programmers. IEEE VL/HCC
  • Petricek, T. (2021) Composable data visualizations. JFP 31: e13.
  • Petricek, T. (2017) Data exploration through dot-driven development. European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP)


Other possibly relevant work

  • Petricek, T., et al. (2022) AI Assistants: A Framework for Semi-Automated Data Wrangling. IEEE TKDE (2022).
  • Perera, R., et al. (2022) Linked visualisations via Galois dependencies. Proceedings of the ACM on PL 6. POPL (2022): 1-29.
  • Petricek, T., Geddes, F., and Sutton, C. (2018) Wrattler: Reproducible, live and polyglot notebooks. USENIX TaPP.
  • Petricek, T., Guerra, G, and Syme, D. (2016) Types from Data: Making Structured Data First-class Citizens in F. Proceedings of PLDI 2016: 477-490.