CO582: Computer Interaction and User Experience
Data visualization

Tomas Petricek

twitter: @tomaspetricek
office: S129A

Data science and data visualization

Data age 2025: What sort of data is there?

Open data collected by governments, e.g.

Not so open data collected by governments

Social networks and other user data

Data collected by businesses or scientists

Multimedia data such as photos, videos, books

Devices, sensors and internet of things

Data age 2025: The growth of the global datasphere

Data age 2025: The growth of the global datasphere

Data visualization: What is the goal?

The goal is to aid our understanding of data by
leveraging the human visual system's ability to

see patterns, spot trends and identify outliers.

Scientific data visualization

Helping experts make sense of complex data

Telling stories with data in media

Make data and facts more accessible

Data visualization: How is it a HCI problem?

Understanding user needs

  • Easy for novices or rich for experts?
  • Trigger a surprise or be neutral?
  • Is the goal exploration or explanation?

Using user experience methods

  • Using perception and cognitive theories
  • Empirical testing in controlled setting

Do people care about understanding data?

I think that the people of this country have had enough of experts...

Can good visualization get people interested in data?

How data visualizations work

Data visualization: What is a visualization?

Principled mapping of data variables to visual
features such as position, shape, size and color.

What are the variables?

What visual features?

What tasks does it enable?

Could perception mislead us?

Form follows function

Design principles

Form follows function

  • Find the best mapping from variables to features
  • Considering human perception properties
  • Is there objectively best visualization?

Beyond conveying facts

  • Visualizations with less straightforward goals
  • Trigger emotions, convey complexity, have fun

Systematic visualization design

Part I: Data types

Systematic visualization: Data types

Types of data attributes

  • Categorical (e.g. countries, people)
  • Ordinal (e.g. education level)
  • Quantitative (e.g. time, money, distance)

Types of quantitative scales

  • Sequential (e.g. only positive values)
  • Diverging (e.g. price change)
  • Cyclic (e.g. month, time of day)

More types are maps, hierarchies and networks

Part II: Visual channels

Systematic visualization: Categorical channels

Cannot be measured and ordered

Categories represented as shapes

Categories represented as colors

Systematic visualization: Magnitude channels

Can compare and guess distance

  • Position on common scale
  • Position on separate scale
  • Length of an element
  • Angle of rotation
  • Area in 2D space
  • Color luminance or saturation

EXAMPLES: Mapping data to channels

X position
GDP (quantitative)

Y position
Age (quantitative)

Bubble size
Pop. (quantitative)

Bubble color
Cont. (categorical)

X position
Country (category)

Y position
CO2 (quantitative)

Bar color / offset Year (category)

Part III: Perception properties

Perception: How to use color

Can encode categories and magnitudes

How to use it correctly

  • Choose distinguishable categorical colors
  • Use linear scale that is perceived linearly

colors that colorblind people can distinguish!

Use luminance scale that is perceived as linear!

Rainbow can model magnitude (but not linear by default) or categories.

Perception: Choosing channels

Can we estimate relative values in charts?

  1. Aligned on common scale
  2. Unaligned on common scale
  3. Length encoding
  4. Angles
  5. Circular areas
  6. Rectangular areas

(+/- 2x)

(+/- 3x)

(+/- 5x)

(+/- 6x)

Part IV: Task analysis

Systematic visualization: Task analysis

Data analytical task (high-level)

Discover new hypothesis
Present some discovery

Nature of search (mid-level)

Lookup (know where) or locate (know what)
Browse general area of interest

Querying of data points (low-level)

Identify information about data point
Compare multiple data points

How to lie with charts

How to lie with charts

Presenting correct data in misleading ways

Poor choice of visual channels

Misusing our ability to spot patterns

Ignoring implicit channel properties

Misleading perception of scaling

Area is harder to see than position

Easy to confuse length (radius) and area

Humans are too good at seeing patterns!

Implied correlation with too few data points.

Value is position on common axis, not length!

Position channel suggests zero as minimum.

Value is length!
(height of the barrel)

Perception of three-dimensional objects is misleading and difficult.

Beyond static charts

Beyond static charts

Animations and interactive charts

Allow exploration of large data

Tell a story through data

Element of surprise in visualization

Make the viewer think critically

Beyond static charts

Visualization for data exploration

  • Designed for experts
  • Viewer has motivation to explore

Visualization for data presentation

  • Readers do not interact with dashboards in NYT
  • How to tell a story with data?
  • Adapting standard reading metaphors

Animation makes the point stronger.

Neat use of radial projection for circular value!


Adapts standard online reading interaction.

See article online at NYT

You draw it!

Can data visualization make you think more critically?

UK spending
NYT article


Summary: Data visualizations

What is data visualization?

Principled mapping of data variables to visual
features such as position, shape, size and color.

What we need to understand

  • Different types of data variables
  • Visual features and possible mappings
  • Limitations of human perception

Summary: Data variables and visual channels

Data variables

  • Categorical (can distinguish between them)
  • Ordinal (can be ordered, but not measured)
  • Quantitative (sequential, diverging or cyclic)

Visual channels

  • Categorical (color, shapes)
  • Quantitative (position, length, angle, area and color)

Remember error rates of visual channels!

CO582: Data visualization

What you should remember from this lecture

  • Systematic approach to data visualization
  • Mapping data variables to visual channels
  • Relevant properties of human perception

Tomas Petricek | @tomaspetricek


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