CO582: Computer Interaction and User Experience
Programmers and other specialist users

Tomas Petricek

twitter: @tomaspetricek
office: S129A

Programming languages and tools

Programming languages and tools

What programmers work with

  • Language syntax
  • Development environments
  • Debugging & reading tools

How programmers interact

  • Bring punch cards and wait (1950s)
  • Connect to mainframe using terminal (1970s)
  • Editor with graphical interface (1980s)

Programming languages and tools

Programmers are users too!

What language syntax is easy to understand?

What programming abstractions fit mental models?

What tools can help making sense of code?

What real programmers actually struggle with?

Syntax: APL and Visual Basic .NET

User experience

What is easier to write or read?

What matters more in practice?

Does this matter for expert users?

Integrated Development Environments

Offer relevant help in context

How to assist with writing, debugging, navigating

Interacting with programming systems

Classic software engineering

  • Implement one feature
  • Compile your project
  • Run and provide inputs

Live coding, data science

  • Load data in advance
  • Edit program interactively
  • See new results on the fly and repeat

REPL - Read, Eval, Print Loop

Type line, run it, see result

Immediate feedback, but limited interaction

Jupyter Notebooks

REPL with chart output

Can edit previous notebook cells

What is the mental model of execution?


Why finance and insurance companies (over)use it
so much?

Other forms of interactions
Programming by example

Programming languages and tools

What can we study using user experience methods

Compare syntax using controlled studies

Heuristic evaluation (consistency, system status)

How are systems used in corporate environment?

GOMS models of data analysis tasks

Metaphors for understanding code abstractions

Code, languages and notations

Code, languages and notations

Language syntax

  • Symbols or words
  • Structure of nesting
  • How much it matters?

Programming as writing

  • How we compose programs?
  • Top-down vs. bottom-up
  • Metaphors used in code

An empirical investigation into program-ming lang-uage syntax

Which of them is easier to use?

Controlled lab study, using 6 simple tasks

Code, languages and notations

An empirical look at programming language syntax

Statistically significant, scientific results

Used as a basis for Quorum language design

Random language is better than Perl!

Limited scope - syntax might be detail

Novices only - hard to evaluate with experts

Metaphors for variables

Variable is like a label

A variable is like a label that one can place on one value, like a temperature or the age of a person

Variable is like a box

A variable is like a box that can contain a value, like a piggy bank or a shoe box.

Comparing metaphors for variables in programming education

Variable as a label or as a box

Taught ~200 using label and ~200 using box

Student using box metaphor did better

Box leads to multiple values misconception

Metaphor used for learning programming

Teaching programming

Teaching programming

Learning how to program is hard

  • How to make it easier?
  • What language to teach?
  • Design a better one?

Designing a teaching language

  • Using principles from psychology
  • Experiments to drive design
  • Experiments to evaluate options

LOGO and Turtle graphics

Turtle moves around screen with a pen

Logo: Developmental psychology principles

Learning by doing

  • Jean Piaget's constructivism
  • Create knowledge by interacting

Stages of cognitive development

  1. Sensorimotor stage
  2. Preoperational stage
  3. Concrete operational stage
  4. Formal operational stage


Learning by doing tradition

Supports multiple cognitive stages

Teaching programming

Using experiments to guide language design

How novices think about programming?

Conceiving vs. formalising solution

Write natural language solution

Design language to support the patterns

"Programming" a Pacman

Write a statement that summarizes how computer should move Pacman

Twelve 10 year olds

Responses categorized
by 5 CS students

Programming style

54% - rules or event-based
When Pacman eats all dots, he goes to the next level

18% - global constraints Cannot go through a wall

16% - declarations/other
There are 4 monsters.

12% - imperative
Display this string.
Play this sound.

HANDS System: Logic written using event-based rules!

Code, navigation and search

Code, navigation and search

Searching through code

  • Most of time is spent understanding code
  • Navigation through codebase

Searching through possibilities

  • Search as a metaphor for problem solving
  • Searching for the right program

Code search

Study what developers search for
and why

Searching through code

Code search study from Google

Using data from logs and surveys

Analyze techniques and motivations for search

Finding very (17%) or somewhat (44%) familiar code

Learning how code works (46%) or how to use it (21%)

Searching through state space

State space

  • Possible game states
  • User interface options
  • Possible programs

Interaction questions

  • Depth of the goal
  • Breath-first or depth-first
  • Allow lookahead when searching

Programming interaction as search
Searching for a program in program space


Programmers and other specialist users

Applying HCI methods in practice
Problems: Improving efficiency and understanding
Methods: Surveys, studies, metaphors, log analysis

Teaching programming to novices
What is the best metaphor for variables?
What is natural language of programming?

Human computer interaction as search
Searching for options in user interface
Searching the space of possible programs

CO582: Programmers and other specialist users

What you should remember from this lecture

  • Kinds of question and methodology, not problems
  • Usability, efficiency, ease of comprehending
  • Expert analysis, experiments and their limitations

Tomas Petricek | @tomaspetricek



Papers and links

code search





learning scratch

How do people naturally think about computation? Cyrus Omar