CO886: Software Engineering
Testing theory

Tomas Petricek

twitter: @tomaspetricek
office: S129A

Cultures of programming and testing

Cultures of programming

Different ways of thinking about programming

Hacker - hands-on practice learned through tinkering

Mathematical - formal activity relying on proofs

Managerial - organized factory-like production process

Engineering - relying on good tools and practices

Hacker culture

Program checkout comprising testing
and debugging

Early days of testing, still dominant in debugging

Mathematical culture

Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence

(Dijkstra, 1970)

Managerial culture

Testing as a part of a structured development process

From Waterfall to
Agile methods

Engineering culture

Tools and good practices for testing

What to test? How to test? How can tools help?

Managerial take on testing

Role of testing


  • Software conforms to specification
  • Are we building it right?
  • Defect testing to check for bugs


  • Software does what user wants
  • Are we building the right thing?
  • Validation testing to check requirements

Testing as part of a development lifecycle

Many different approaches!

When should you
design tests?

When should you
start testing?

Waterfall (1950s)

Testing happens
after coding

Verification and validation of a done system

Errors can get expensive

V-Model (1990s)

Matching development and testing phases

Plan testing in advance during development


Matching development and test phases

Requirements plan for Acceptance test

System design plan for System test

Architecture plan for Integration test

Coding plan for Unit tests

Agile critique

V Model does not work

  • Too simple management view
  • Fails to respond to change
  • Only looks for what is expected

Testing in Agile methods

  • Unit testing as engineering tool
  • Acceptance tests derived from user stories
  • Test-driven development method

Test-driven development (TDD)

TDD in practice

  • Write tests to capture requirements
  • Implement code satisfying tests
  • Test automatically and frequently

Development process

  • Structured approach to development
  • Mostly focused on engineering side
  • Red-green-refactor method

Engineering & mathematical take on testing

Questions about testing

How do we know our
tests are good?

How to design good tests?

What tools and theories can help us?

White and black box testing

Black-box (functional)

  • Without looking at code
  • Tests based only on specification
  • Focuses on representative inputs

White-box (structural)

  • Access to code structure
  • Test based on program logic
  • Cover as much code as possible

Equivalence class partitioning

Equivalence classes

  • Subset of inputs that are equivalent
  • Program works the same way
  • Code follows the same path

Designing tests

  • Identify ranges of values for
    which the behaviour is the same
  • Pick one sample input from each class

Demo: Equivalence class partitioning

Boundary value analysis

Heuristic for finding good partition representatives

Use boundary values!

Code coverage

White-box testing metric

  • How much code is run by tests?
  • The more the better!
  • Still no absolute guarantee!

Coverage metrics

  • Statement coverage
  • What individual statements are run
  • Decision coverage
  • What branches of conditionals


Testing theory

Cultures of programming
Hacker culture, mathematical culture
Engineering culture, managerial culture

Managerial take
Testing as part of a development process
Waterfall, V-model, agile methods

Mathematical and engineering take
White box vs. black box methods
Equivalence class partitioning etc.

CO886: Testing tehory

What you should remember from this lecture

  • Validation vs. verification
  • V-model, Waterfall and TDD
  • Equivalence classes & boundary analysis

Tomas Petricek | @tomaspetricek


Online resources