Mathematics and engineering of types

Tomáš Petříček, 309 (3rd floor) | @tomaspetricek

Lectures: Monday 12:20, S7


Where types come from?

Bertrand Russell

Use types (1900s) to resolve logical paradoxes

\(p(x)\) true if and only if \(\neg x(x)\) But \(p(p)\) if and only if \(\neg p(p)\)

Predicate \(p\) can be only applied to entities of lower type hence \(p(p)\) is invalid


"Two types of variable are also permissible: fixed point and
floating point."

Called "modes" in more formal description!

Function arguments and results are in one of two modes.


Languages for business data processing

Built around working with data records

Algol language family

IAL 58 and Algol 60

  • Adopts term "type" before publication
  • Used just for primitive numeric types
  • No explicit reference to Russell & logic

Algol 68, Pascal

  • Attempts to make business-friendly language
  • Add support for records and more
  • Mathematical model of "types as sets"

Abstract data types

Clu and Ada in the 1970s

Type that can be used only through defined operations

Basis for abstraction, information hiding
and object-oriented programming


Unifying ideas on types

  • Meta-language for a theorem prover
  • Abstract data types to represent theorems
  • Type checking using methods of logic
  • Records and unions for convenience


Viewed by different cultures

History is messy!

Not just adopting
logic ideas into programming

Are we even talking about the same thing?

Think cultures of programming!

Cultures and types


Types used for checking
how memory is used

Fixed and floating point,
but also data structures


Types used for proving program properties

Simply typed lambda calculus and safety proofs

Cultures and types


Types to support good engineering practices

Information hiding, editor tooling and documentation


Types as a mechanism
for team structuring

Division of labor, control programmer access rights

Cultural analysis

  • Abstract data types in Ada and Clu
    Mix of engineering and managerial approaches
  • Adding types to JS in TypeScript
    Engineering approach, using mathematical ideas
  • Type checking in ML, OCaml
    Mathematical approach, using engineering ideas
  • Types and ownership in Rust
    Mix of hacker and mathematical approaches

Type systems

Mathematical look at types

Type systems

Mathematical look at types

  • Types as a checking mechanism
  • Rule out invalid programs
  • Defined using a formal system
  • Use induction to prove properties

Defining a type system

Typed lambda calculus

Type systems

Properties we may want

  • Does it actually prevent bad behaviour?
  • Can we check if a program has a given type?
  • Can we automatically infer a type?
  • Does the system assign just one type?

Properties, more formally


Type safety

Type safety

What does it mean

  • \(5 + (\lambda x.x)\) cannot be reduced!
  • Stuck when no evaluation rule applies
  • Well-typed programs do not get stuck

Progress + preservation

  • Safety = progress + preservation
  • Reduction preserves the type
  • Well-typed expression is value or can be reduced

Type safety, formally

Proofs about types

What to expect

  • Almost always by induction
  • Easy with the right property
  • Lots of uninspiring cases

Proofs by induction

  • Over the (tree) syntax of the expression
  • Over the (tree) typing derivation
  • Over the (linear) sequence of reductions

Progress proof sketch

Preservation proof sketch

Fancy types

Interesting type systems

Fancy types

Interesting type systems

  • Non-null, ownership & borrowing
  • Effects, coeffects and communication
  • Specific types for web, data, etc.
  • Arbitrary computations in types!

Case study: TypeScript

Literal string types

Design questions

  • What was the motivation this?
  • Is there another "better" approach?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks?

Billion dollar mistake

Tony Hoare invents null

I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was
the invention of the null reference in 1965.
I couldn't resist the temptation to put it in because it was so easy to implement.

Fixing null with types?

  • Separate types that can be null
  • Allow on non-null types!
  • Null checks need special logic


Flow analysis in TypeScript

Sketch for non-null types


Mathematics & engineering of types

Designing types

Good language design case study!

Design inspired by logic, engineering concerns, existing real-world code

Mathematicians care for safety, engineering evaluation harder to do


Type providers

Why read this

  • Motivations beyond type safety
  • Mechanism in F# and The Gamma
  • Why don't all typed languages have this!?


Mathematics & engineering of types

  • History of types is interesting & messy
  • Different cultures think differently
  • Type safety is basic formal PLT method!

References (1/2)

Theory and proofs

Fancy types

References (2/2)


Just for fun...