Formal models of programming

Tomáš Petříček, 204 (2nd floor) | @tomaspetricek

Lectures: Tuesday 12:20, S6


Programming as mathematics

Programming in the late 1940s

ENIAC programmed by plugging wires and flipping switches

"The ENIAC was a son-of-a-bitch to program" - Jean (Jennings) Bartik

Mathematical science of computation

John McCarthy (1962)

In a mathematical science, it is possible to deduce from the basic assumptions, the important properties of the entities treated by the science.

What we want to answer

  • Does transformation preserve meaning?
  • Does translation procedure correctly translate?
  • Do two programs compute the same function?

Microalgol (1964)

Syntax and semantics of trivial Algol subset

\(micro(\pi,\xi)\) gives the final state of a program \(\pi\) run in a state \(\xi\)

"Description of the state of an Algol computation will clarify (..) compiler design"

Formal models

What are they good for?

  • Make sense of tricky language features
  • Prove properties of specific programs
  • Prove properties of the language
  • Make sure type system actually prevents bugs!

The definition of Standard ML (1990s)

Operational semantics
and type system for a complete language

Even language this simple had murky parts!

// Function: 'a -> 'a list
let callLogger =
  // List: 'a list
  let mutable log = []
  fun x ->
    log <- x :: log

// Can we call this with:
callLogger 10
callLogger "hi"

Generalization and value restriction

ML makes top-level definitions polymorphic

Allowing that for values is unsound!


Surely, we know better?

Unexpected interactions!

  • Many Java extensions formalized
  • Formalizations with soundness proofs!
  • This is interaction between multiple features...


Formal language definitions

Language semantics types

  • Axiomatic semantics
    Define rules satisfied by individual commands
  • Denotational semantics
    Assign mathematical entity to each program
  • Big-step operational semantics
    Describe how terms reduce to values
  • Small-step operational semantics
    Evaluation as gradual rewriting of terms

Language semantics types

Language semantics types

Why small-step?

Easier to write than axiomatic or denotational

But harder to use for program equivalence

Good textbook and popular in PL research community

Works for programs that do not terminate


Definition of an ML subset


Functions and numbers in F#

Expressions and evaluation

Evaluation rules

Functions and numbers

Functions and currying

Simplifying the rules

Conditionals and stuck state

Adding references

What did we learn?

Interesting aspects

  • Evaluation order of sub-expressions
  • Laziness of conditional expressions
  • What needs to be in the state

Interesting things left out

  • Data structures: records, unions, lists
  • Language features: recursion, exceptions
  • Hard things: Concurrency, input and output


Programming with observables

Functional reactive programming

Classic functional style

  • Functional reactive animations (1990s)
  • Composing behaviours and events
  • Revised in the Elm programming style

Observables and events

  • Events that occur and produce values
  • Mouse moves, server notifications, user inputs, ...
  • Transformed using a range of operators

Functional reactive programming

Reactive animations (Elliott, 1997)

followMouseAndDelay u =
 follow `over` later 1 follow
   follow = move (mouseMotion u) jake

How does it work

  • mouseMotion represents current mouse position
  • later delays time by X seconds
  • over overlays multiple animations

Reactive eXtensions

Events represented by Observable<T>

Produces values when something happen

Operators turn one or more observables into a new one


Programming with RxJS


Formalizing observables

Minimal language with events


Lists and sequencing in F#

Modelling concurrency

Triggering events

Lists, sequencing and steps

Rules for event handlers

Events calculus

Focus on what matters

  • Lists, numbers and events only
  • No functions or recursion!
  • Probably still Turing-complete

What did we learn

  • Sequence of concurrent expressions
  • Selection of expression to be run
  • Scheduling when event is triggered

Alternative rules


Formal models

Formal models

Useful design guide and for making formal claims

Explains core ideas of a system in a succinct way

The danger is producing languages that look
well on paper!

Language semantics types

  • Lambda calculus
    Logic (1930s) but used for PL semantics (1960s+)
  • Pi calculus, CCS and CSP
    Models of concurrent systems (1980s-90s)
  • Join calculus
    Distributed asynchronous programming (1990s)
  • Programming language theory
    Memory regions, effects and coeffects, locks, etc.


Null safety in Dart

Why read this

  • Simple useful type system feature!
  • Good discussion on soundness
  • More languages have this: Swift, Rust, C#, TypeScript


Formal models of programming

  • Programming language theory, Part I
  • Evaluation over syntactic structures
  • Better for small and stateless systems

References (1/2)



References (2/2)

